Creatures of the Deathstrip-Dodecaguard

In the deepest of the forests of the Death strip, where the ancient ruins of past civilizations lie in dormancy, lies the guardians of the forest Temples. The Dodecaguard. Dodecaguards are an anomaly even among the many creatures of the strip. With their body resembling that of a large stone dodecahedron, about 5 meters in height. The sides of the Guards are capable of sliding out of place and attaching to the vertices, allowing for crude appendages to be created and manipulated. The inside of the Guards is hollow with the exception of various thin tentacles curled around a central eye suspended in the center.

The central eye is none functional, as the Dodecaguards are capable of perceiving their environment with little difficulty when closed. Instead, the eye is used in its self defense and the defense of the temples it guards. When it or the temple it guards is threatened, the guard with open up one of its sides to expose the eye and tentacles, using the tentacles and the now loose side, the Guard with create large wind currents to draw in the interloper. Once organic matter passes the boundary between the outside of the shell to the inside, the matter will entirely evaporate.

Although this was initially believed to also be its feeding method, analysis has shown that all matter consumed is converted into a solid paste for storage, not consumed. Leaving to how the Dodecaguards draw their nutrients from a mystery. What is known is that the material consumed is converted into a solid paste in similar construction to the stone that makes up the temples. It is believed they use this paste to repair any damages made to the temples.

Dodecaguards spend a majority of their time in a dormant state inside or outside the temples they protect, only reacting to outside stimuli if it or the temple around it is damaged. The small portion of the time they are active is spent wandering around the temple grounds in search of interlopers, and attempted repairs of damaged temple portions.

Due to their defensive nature towards the temples, explorers are to stay aware of themselves when exploring the ruins, lest they damage the walls with a wayward sword swing.

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