The Dragnellion
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The Dragnellion have been on the run since the destruction of their planet. Warlord General Sartel took over Nouage and now houses demons of unimaginable greed. They prey on anything full of life and will burn all that is pure. The Dragnellion arrived on Earth during the stone-age and have been in hiding from the growing civilisation of humanity.
Then the Serpents Hand found them in their hiding and brought them to the Wanderers Library, where they thrive peacefully

The Book-Burners chased the Dragnellion of the West, they burned down their monastery and they destroyed the Western Sanctum. The Elders devised a plan to make a division of warriors to defend against the tyrants.

It was 1956 on a cold autumn. The leaves of nearby trees fell to the ground in the rich autumn orange. Larthen breathed in heavily, taking in the air of the natural atmosphere. It has been years since he last wielded his sword, it still carried the heavy burden his father befell to him. Larthen wore it against his waist, after years of locking it away since the war of Nouage, the sword has gathered dust. But now, with it against Larthens side, it felt familiar. Larthen unsheathed the sword to inspect the blade, he had already examined it for rust before, however Larthen could not shake off the feeling that his father was within the blade. Perhaps he was, perhaps the spirit of Larthens father resided within the blade. The secret of the soul was still a mystery, even to this day.

Larthen was prepared for a battle that would happen soon, the Book-Burners have made their intentions clear when they first struck. The Dragnellion had a name for them besides what the Serpents Hand name for it. The Dragnellion's called this group "Kifgro" which was a name translated from the Dragnellion tongue: Fearful Soldiers.

"The Kifgro have weapons we didn't make. I told the Elders to be prepared, but those old fools won't let go of tradition" Ter complained. Larthen simply sighed at this remark "I observed the world war, the oblivious humans alone can reign hell on cities, imagine what a group of Kifgro can do?"

"Do not fear brother. We will win" Larthen promised. But there was doubt in his voice.

Ter nodded "I do hope you are right, Dragnellion didn't escape Sartel to be destroyed by these monkeys"

The Kifgro where clearly failing at being stealthy, the Dragnellion lookout could see the incendiary groups beneath the net of bushes. The lookout pointed at them, mocking their incapability. Dragnellion scales had an intense resistance for flames and hot conditions, what makes them believe a mere flamethrower would defeat them.

Then the air whistled, a faint whistle that grew louder. The lookout troop looked around confused, the whistle came to a halt when the shell hit. The lookout post erupted in a chemical that corroded the ground around them, their bodies melted in the substance. They couldn't warn the Eastern Sanctum, they were dead before they realised, they were dying. The decoy team emerged from their amateur concealment giving the signal to the multiple units who were in fact expertly camouflaged. They marched to the entrance for the Eastern Sanctum, giant tanks rampaged through the gates destroying the site.

Larthen received word of the Eastern sanctum. Devastation filled his spirit, he had friends there, dear friends.

Lieutenant Colonel Samuel knew they were close to the Northern sanctum. He could feel it. The Dragnellion species where so stupid to believe that concealing four sanctums each within the corners of the world was a great idea, in fact it was foolish. Samuel led the soldiers in to destroy it all. His soldiers where loyal to the GOC way, to rid the world of all unnatural impurity's before they rid humankind from the face of the earth. He sent out the decoys ahead to circle the sanctum from the rear, whilst the real war party kicked down the doors.

"Sir" said Flying Officer Smith "the air strike team are prepared and are awaiting your orders"

"Good" responded Samuel "keep them frosty"

"Yes sir"

The team strikes tonight.

Larthen watched the Kifgro circle the sanctum. They were clear as day, even at night. They grunted and shuffled, hissing at each other to stop making noise. Larthen however doubted this was the Kifgro, for a small group of soldiers to destroy the Western and Eastern sanctums by this minority of a force seemed like a joke. Larthen watched closely, they continuously glanced backwards as if awaiting something. Larthen looked in same direction, he could see no such thing that would arouse any attention. Yet the team eyed the same spot. Larthen walked over to the night watch chief.

"The team keeps glancing at the same spot" Larthen warns the chief, who merely grunts.

"Why would that concern me?"

"I believe that the team is a decoy, a distraction from the real threat"

"You really think the Kifgro would be clever enough to do a tactic?"

"They destroyed the Western Sanctum, and the Eastern Sanctum" Larthen pointed out "and you believe this force is the Kifgro that destroyed two sanctums?"

The chief didn't respond for a while, appearing to be in deep thought "Very well. Destroy the decoy and scout the area for any real concealment" he commanded.

"Yes sir"

The scouts were sent to survey the area, whilst the warriors battled the decoy with ease. A warrior spotted movement, he called out but then was quickly silenced, the Kifgro emerged and frightened the scout party, an entire battalion of tanks and camouflaged warriors slaughtered the party within a ten second period, the tanks fired upon the sanctum entrance revealing the hidden interior.

"Attack" the chief cried. Larthen leaped from his post and flew to join the fight, he unsheathed his father’s sword which hummed in the air. Larthen landed swinging his blade through a small party who fired upon him, the bullets clattered against his armour creating dents and craters. He spun slicing through multiple soldiers, blood was sprayed against his face and body as the dismembered corpses collapsed. A tank turned its attention the Larthen, loading its shell. Larthen sprung towards the tank before it had the chance to fire, he accessed the hatch ripping it from the hinges. Within the soldiers cried out as Larthen opened his mouth, summoning his flame, which spewed out like napalm upon the soldiers. They cried in pain shortly before dying, he glimpsed one of his comrades falling, a device has exploded in a bang of light which rang the ears, shortly after a tank fired a shell which erupted in a corrosive chemical. Larthen watched it dissolve the soil of the land and feared the tanks shells more than before. They have underestimated the Kifgro. It was surely the end. Larthen heard the sounds of roaring in the sky, planes shot past firing upon the sanctum, the missiles shot through the gaped entrance and blew the interior from within. Larthen watched the sanctum burn, it was no longer accessible, it was destroyed.

"Retreat" the chief ordered, before receiving the bullet shot from a man Larthen would remember as: Lieutenant Colonel Samuel. The bullet struck an artery within the neck, blood gushed depleting the life force he had within. The Dragnellion of the Northern sanctum retreated, taking off into the night. The Kifgro fired after them as they flew away but missed. Leaving the remainder of the North to warn the Southern sanctum.

The elders devised a plan to abandon the sanctum, it was no longer safe. The Kifgro are far too powerful to deal with alone, the Kifgro are prepared for the worst. The Dragnellion left the sanctum and fled underground, to the deepest caverns of the earth, structures where built, and life was made. Warmth was introduced to the cavern where the Dragnellion lay safe, never shall they venture out, never shall they let anyone in, the cavern entrance is disguised as a dead end.

Lieutenant Colonel Samuel was infuriated, the Southern sanctum has been left, abandoned. No trace of where the Dragnellion went where present, not even to his experts. Not when he was so close, not now.

"Dammit" Samuel cursed "we had them by that much" gesturing a measurement with his fingers.

"Surely they left something within the sanctum" offered his Sergeant.

"They searched, there is nothing. All Dragnellion records have been burned"

We burn the records anyway. thought the Sergeant.

Samuel paced, thinking.

"If I were afraid, where would I go?" he muttered to himself "if I where Dragnellion where would I go?"

"Possibly somewhere random. But cleverly random, like a forest or a cave-"

"CAVES" exclaimed Samuel "I would hide in a cave, why wouldn't they?"

"But there are billions of caves worldwide" The Sergeant argued "it would take years"

"Better get started then, shall we?"

Despite the Sergeant disagreeing with this course of action, he was loyal to the GOC and the chain of command "Yes sir"

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